Monday 11 April 2011

Evaluation Question 3

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

By conducting interviews with my target audience (established earlier in my project during research stages) i was able to here in depth from particular individuals about things they enjoyed or didnt enjoy in my film. The online questionnaire, however, was jsut as useful as it enabled me to get greater number of responses, with people answering more questions, in private, when they have more time.
I was very pleased with the feedback and response my typical target audience gave me for my products. My short film gained a great response overall and I thought I would take you through some of the comments made about peoples favourite parts of the production as well as areas in which they feel could improve slightly, to perfect the film.
My audience feedback has made me realise how important it is to include stereotypical forms, codes and conventions of existing media products (mentioned in my research) as these are the features my consumers picked up on most. The two main aspects I need to play closer attention to in the future (when creating short films) is the lighting – ensuring the character is clearly visable at all times – as well as the sound – trying to make it clear with no other distracting noises (such as wind).

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