Wednesday 17 November 2010

Target Audience

The following are typical individuals I aim to target my final short film and ancillary products at. I will interview all of these individuals during my audience feedback task, after producing my product.

Alexander Bright is a soon to be 18 year old student who plays a key role in the local political bodies throughout his home town. In his spare time Alex enjoys going out to restaurants for dinner with his friends, followed by a trip to the cinema to watch the latest blockbuster. Alex enjoys short films but isn’t a regular consumer, usually only hearing about and watching them when recommended by a friend.

Lily Usher, 17, is currently studying for her A-levels at sixth form. Being a media studies student, like myself, she has grown to love short films and will regularly look through YouTube at ones which catch her interest. Whilst enojoying the viewing of the short film she is watching, she is also interested in researching other products connected with it, such as a poster advertisement for it.

Josh Ellis’s favourite type of films are action features as well as crime. He is currently 17 but has decided he would like to have a movie night with his friends for his birthday. He watches short films regularly, sometimes also enjoying travelling with his family to short film festivals, some of which he has entered his own creations into.

Poppy Adams never used to like short films until recently. At the age of 17 she now enjoys watching short films with her friends, finding comical ones to be her favourite! If Poppy see’s a film review in a magazine, whether it be for a short film or feature length one, she will more often than not want to view it! She hasn’t of yet created any short films, but has been exploring the creation of film trailers, producing professional productions that could be passed off as genuine trailers.

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