Thursday 11 November 2010

Looking At Short Films With 'Twist' Endings

Whilst conducting my research into existing short films I have been trying to decide upon what will make my own short film unique, and what will help it stand out from the possibly predictable others, on the market. After watching a great number of short films, one particular trait in a minor few has really got me interested. Short films with a shocking twist at the ending of the piece have really caught my interest and after long deliberation I have decided that I would like to incorporate this creative, unique selling point into my own product, when I come to make it. Two films in particular that got me to this decision and really stood out for me were ‘Lovefield’ by Mathieu Ratthe and ‘About A Girl’ by Brian Percival. Both these films lead the viewer into a certain false perception about what they think might be happening to the characters within the film or might happen at the end. This intended deception, I feel, works much better than straight forward short films as it leaves the audience feeling as though they have been fooled and outsmarted. This could make them want to watch the film again after knowing what was really going on, or to show the film to friends or relatives to see their reaction to the twist. Either way this is promoting the film and gaining it more publicity and views on a site it may be published on. The following two images are screen shots from 'About A Girl' and 'Lovefield':

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